
Affectus definition
Affectus definition

affectus definition

Kata afek mempunyai perbedaan makna dengan yang ada di dalam ilmu psikologi di bidang yang lain.

  • Afek (dari bahasa Latin affectus atau adfectus) merupakan sebuah konsep, yang digunakan dalam filsafatnya Baruch Spinoza dan diuraikan oleh Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze serta Félix Guattari, yang menekankan pada jasmaniah atau pengalaman yang nyata.
  • The term "affect" is central to what has become known as the "affective turn" in the humanities and social sciences. Affects are difficult to grasp and conceptualize because, as Spinoza says, "an affect or passion of the mind is a confused idea" which is only perceived by the increase or decrease it causes in the body's vital force. Subsequent philosophical usage by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and their translator Brian Massumi, while derived explicitly from Spinoza, tends to distinguish more sharply than Spinoza does between affect and what are conventionally called emotions. For Spinoza, as discussed in Parts Two and Three of his Ethics, affects are states of mind and body that are related to (but not exactly synonymous with) feelings and emotions, of which he says there are three primary kinds: pleasure or joy (laetitia), pain or sorrow (tristitia) and desire (cupiditas) or appetite. The word affect takes on a different meaning in psychology and other fields.
  • Affect (from Latin affectus or adfectus) is a concept, used in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza and elaborated by Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, that places emphasis on bodily or embodied experience.
  • These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'affective.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Pavel Goldstein, Discover Magazine, 17 Jan. Luke Schulze, San Diego Union-Tribune, 29 June 2023 Interpersonal touch has important social and affective meanings. Kaitlin Sullivan, NBC News, 5 July 2023 Kastner and Lee were artful in their ability to highlight subtle affective details, making the most of the unique quality of each movement. 2023 The researchers are even proposing a separate name for the condition: TBI affective syndrome.

    affectus definition

    2023 The authors also noted some limitations to the research, namely that the study only measured these behavioral, affective, and physiological components at one point in time and the sample size was relatively small. 2023 In the face of a national bureaucracy that manifests official Frenchness in public life, Simon probes the daily experiences of French people, exploring the unofficial communities and authentic affective connections on which French society actually runs.

    affectus definition

    2023 Of the eight polarization variables measured-including affective polarization, extreme ideological views, and respect for election norms-none changed in a statistically significant way. 2023 But the app’s fictional characters have also garnered a fair amount of attention from fandom, where the idea of chatting with your actual favorite character might hold more affective appeal than chatting with a fake English teacher. Recent Examples on the Web The title track, which opens the album, channels that anger in a subtler, but no less affective, manner.

    Affectus definition